Friday, 22 August 2008

The Good News!

Last night a very good friend had his sixty fifth birthday party. I am staying with him at present which is lovely. It is so good to be away from the refuge. I gave him a present of one of my paintings which he said he liked very much. He said the painting was very accomplished. Praise indeed! The one I have posted on here is one of my very first attempts and I have been playing around a bit since with techniques and colour.

All of this is totally self taught, so I have no idea if I am doing the right things. I must, however, at some point go to an art class of some kind, I want to learn about light and shade and how it works in painting.

In the mean time I nourish myself with his compliments and strive to improve.

The Bad News!

My week, up until last night, has been really horrible. I learned that the price of my flat is having to be reduced by £50,000 which will leave me very little.

At present, the depression I suffer from, stops me from working, so this is quite a blow. How do I bounce back from this on top of everything else?

I like to think of my depression as a creature that lives symbiotically, feeding on my pain, a life sucking parasite that one day, when I am happy, will just drop off, a shrivelled black thing, like a tick or a flea.

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