Monday, 30 November 2009

Cluck Cluck Cluck .....

An interesting week-end.

On Saturday I entertained a handful of friends, and amazingly, there were no arguments!

However, it may be said that I 'over hostessed' them. I love entertaining but I cluck.

I worry if they are warm enough, if they are comfortable enough. If the music is too loud or not loud enough etc etc. Is the soup too salty, not enough flavour and on and on and on.

On Sunday another gathering of lovely people.

They were wanting to take my friend out to lunch for his birthday. They came to my town and so immediately I felt personally responsible for everyone having a good time, that wherever we went it would be my fault if the surroundings, service or food were anything other than perfect. I fussed and flapped and worried and probably made everyone feel uncomfortabe with my over felicitations.

It was, however,lovely to see them all and I pray they forgive me for being such a mother hen!

The best thing about the week-end was a conversation with my youngest son.

My goodness he amazes me!

He is a teacher at a London college for 16 - 19 year olds. Recently there was an observation, pre-offsted, of the teaching standards and abilities at the college and my son achieved a grade one, which apparently is pretty good.

Also his proposal for the college to do a foundation degree , for the first time ever, in Sport Science, has been given the go ahead.

He also is very involved in the promotion of his college in relation to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. He has actually been quoted on the official website !

Where does he get the energy for all of this, as well as his ordinary teaching I wonder?

He certainly doesn't get it from his mother!

I am so proud of him!

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